Day 19, Thursday, September 9. Hernando, MI to Clarksdale, MI
(88.9 miles, 14.9 mph, 5h 59m 24s)

Up at 5:15, 6:00 breakfast at a local sandwich/luncheonette shop - scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, pancakes and juice, 6:30 load luggage, 6:40 on the road.

Again the forecast was great! A bit on the cool side to start the day, but sunny, pleasant, mid 80's and humid through the afternoon.

The first 28 miles were rolling hills and I saw a lot more Kudzu. It looks pretty - giant sculpture in the trees, however, you can imagine what it does to the trees - it kills them! - and it is spreading throughout the South quite rapidly. It was originally brought here to help with soil erosion.

Kudzu Fishing for catfish in Coldwater River Cow Kudzu HELP!  the Kudzu got me! Kudzu Kudzu taking over

At about 28 miles, just before a rapid drop down to the river level, we came upon a truck load of portable potties. WOW! so many to choose from!

Descent to Miss. flatland Clarksdale - Porta-Potties by the truckload Crossing the road Clarksdale - Picture of me riding Clarksdale - Picture of me riding

From here on, the road was about as flat as flat could be, slight tail wind, very enjoyable cycling. Lots of cotton - by the way, in preparation for harvest, soybeans and cotton plantings are sprayed with a de-foliate to kill the leaves and just leave the soybeans and cotton on bare stalks.

Cotton Cotton Extreme Cotton Close-up

As I passed another corn field today I checked it out, got off my bike, approached the field, but didn't hear anything. I turned around to get back on my bike when suddenly out of the corn field I heard that same mumbled 15 words but could only clearly understand 3 different words:

"your... John... when...".
I turned quickly to look back and I heard some rustling and heavy breathing, so I turned around and ran away from the field, got on my bike and left - thinking "9 words now! get, to, need, a, wife, home, your, John, when... 6 more words and I'll have all 15!" I wonder what the message is? Don't you all? If you are reading this journal, can you figure it out?

I think I hear something...
I think I hear something...
Yikes!  I'm outta here!
Yikes! I'm outta here!

--- To Be Continued ---

I was able to take pics of some other cyclists. The bikes that are close to the ground are called "recumbents" and there are 5 on our trip.

Candace Witt Lisa Meester
Buzz Feldman Dick Harter, my roommate

I arrived at our hotel Best Western Executive Inn at 2 PM and decided to go for a swim, it was cool and refreshing. Then to route rap, dinner (another buffet) and back to room to write.

Yazoo Ave. Sock of the day Relaxing in the pool

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