Day 16, Monday, June 20, 2005

Green River, UT to Grand Junction, CO
(3,110 feet climbing) 95 miles, 12.1 mph, 7hr 48min 33sec
(max speed 35.5 mph)

Up at 5:00, 5:45 load luggage, 6:00 continental breakfast at hotel, 6:15 on the road.

Weather prediction again is for sunny skies, headwinds 20 - 25 mph and temperature in low 90's. We got a very early start due to distance (95 miles), expected headwinds and expected high temperature of low 90's.

Also, the photo opps were few. I just tried to ride at a steady comfortable pace against the headwinds and the road surface was that awful chip seal, bumpy and often uneven. We all were very glad when this day was over.

Scenic view

Scenic view

Scenic view

Scenic view

Dan, Doug (Andy gat a flat)

Scenic view

Scenic view

me, Doug, Dan

Scenic view

Scenic view

Steven Buckley, me

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